The year 2012 is about to end. What an amazing year it has been Presidential election, wars and rumors of wars, Real Estate upside down, unemployment on the rise, the headlines in the paper read, "Economic Down-Turn. BUT, the good new is, God is still in control, this is the time to trust Him even
Feelings Come And Go
When you feel like quitting or giving up on your dream; Don't do it! just remember feelings come and go. Keep a picture of your dream vivid and alive inside. Allow no one to trample your dream through negative talk or a smirk. What others think about you or your dream really
Seeing Is Believing
In order to realize your dreams you must see it on the inside and then you will be able to see that dream become a reality on the outside. Whatever your dream is, get a clear picture of it on the inside, You've heard the old saying, "It's and inside job"'s true.
Now is the time to dream, see the dream on the inside; then take the next step and bring that dream to reality. You can do it! Make a plan, stay focused on the plan, don't procrastinate any longer MOVE!
What is the story you’ve been telling yourself?
Too often we tell ourselves stories that hold us back. Stories that say it's to late, we are too old, we don't have enough money, not smart enough ect. You get the picture. The good news is : You can re-write the story you tell yourself. As long as you're alive it's not too late. Old